A young man with his brush plunges into a chaotic world and lights up the heavens. In a world where cultivators are paramount, will the vermilion bird swallow the dragon, or will the dragon transcend beyond all else?!
A young man from the Great Zhou Empire, was threatened by an enemy country with hundreds of millions of its people, and the “dragon swallowing python” took away the “holy dragon luck” that originally belonged to him. As a result, Zhou Yuan was filled with poisonous energy and was tortured for more than ten years. Young Zhou Yuan enters his ancestral land, meets the mysterious girl Yaoyao, and frees himself from the shackles of his own power to bravely save the family, the empire, and the world. The youth wrote, and the dragons and snakes danced! Separate the troubled world and light up the sky! I have a gust of black and yellow energy that can swallow the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens and the earth. In this Genesis Qi Realm, Zhou Yuan, a young man without eight clear meridians, embarked on a path to nirvana where his fate hung upside down.
Seorang pemuda dari Kekaisaran Great Zhou, diancam oleh negara musuh dengan ratusan juta rakyatnya, dan “burung piton menelan naga” merenggut “keberuntungan naga suci” yang semula menjadi miliknya. Akibatnya, Zhou Yuan dipenuhi energi beracun dan disiksa selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun. Zhou Yuan muda memasuki tanah leluhurnya, bertemu dengan gadis misterius Yaoyao, dan membebaskan dirinya dari belenggu kekuatannya sendiri untuk dengan berani menyelamatkan keluarga, kekaisaran, dan dunia. Pemuda itu menulis, dan naga dan ular menari! Pisahkan dunia yang bermasalah dan terangi langit! Aku memiliki hembusan energi hitam dan kuning yang dapat menelan matahari, bulan, dan bintang-bintang di langit dan bumi. Di Alam Genesis Qi ini, Zhou Yuan, seorang pemuda tanpa delapan meridian yang jelas, memulai jalan menuju nirwana di mana nasibnya tergantung terbalik.
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